UIAGM Mountain guides

Branislav Adamec - Horský vodca UIAGM


Rodák z malé vesničky Istebné na Oravě (nar. 20.2. 1960) lyžoval a chodil po horách odmala. Vážně jsem začal lézt až na vysoké škole v Brně (rok 1980). Lezení mě ale totálně pohltilo. Skalky, letní a zimní Tatry. Za dva roky jsem byl v krajském manšaftu, pak v českém a následně i federálním. K tomu se přidaly výstupy a prvovýstupy v různých horách. Při zimním lezení v Alpách jsem začal používat i první opravdové skialpy. Bez nich bychom se nedostali pod stěnu a zase zpátky. To jsem už věděl, že když skončím s extrémním lezením, tak se ke skialpům vrátím." V 80.letech minulého století se zařadil mezi špičku československých horolezců, byl členem národního týmu, a za prvovýstup alpským stylem severní stěnou Shivlingu 6543 m v Gharvalském Himaláji byl oceněn výstupem roku. V roce 1987 pak získal 2.místo v anketě o nejlepšího horolezce Československa. Jeden z himalájských vrcholů - 6476 m vysoký Mera Peak - sjel také na skialpech.
Teď žije v Tišnově a většinu času tráví v horách - těch bližších i těch vzdálenějších. Jako horský vůdce s mezinárodní licencí vede v létě výstupy na vrcholy, nejčastěji ve svých milovaných Tatrách, ale také třeba v Peru nebo Himalájích, v zimě pak sjíždí, sám nebo s klienty, zasněžené kopce. Ale, jak podotýká, jen ty, na které si sám poctivě, s lyžemi na zádech, vyšlape.

Petr Novotný

Petr Novotný - Horský vodca UIAGM

I have been in the “vertical” world for 35 years and in tourism since 1991. Yet my real and fully certified mounting guiding began in 2007. I realize that THIS IS what has lately been making me feel my whole self more and more! After completing my first and last Ironman race in 2017, which was about meeting my “sports-vanity” ambitions, NOW I GET A LOT OF JOY out of taking photos of smiling faces of the accompanied and happy tourists with the breathtaking mountain sceneries behind them, on their selected trips in all kinds of places.
You have got to this point, THANK YOU for your time and if you would still like to read on, there is more, including my news, on my personal website: www.petis.info. In any case, do KEEP FIT and maybe someplace sometime SEE YOU!

Dušan Zajac - UIAGM Mountain Guide


40 years of experience on crags, big walls and mountains. First as a climber and lately as climbing instructor. Currently as UIAGM mountain guide.

Peter Köteleš - UIAGM Mountain Guide

Peter Köteleš - UIAGM Mountain guide

20 years’ experience of climbing and skiing accompanied with much success, but also with falls have left lasting consequences on me. I quickly adopted a passion for mountains. My view on the world is different from that of most people. I try to make my dreams come true and spend as much time as possible in the mountains and outdoor. My family escaped from the city traps to the foothills of the High Tatra Mountains, where we planted roots and settled permanently. Part of my 20 years’ experience includes the north walls of Matterhorn, Piz Badille, the ridges of Mt. Blanc, walls in the High Tatras in summer as well as in winter. I had an opportunity to climb the rocks in Czech Republic, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain and Norway. Skiing from several peaks in my home base-the Tatras and Alps as well, passing through glaciers, to bivouac on the ridges as well as sleeping while buried in snow under walls... Simply, I know, what is best for you when I am guiding you through a mountain range.

Pavol Lutišan - UIAGM Mountain Guide

Pavol Lutišan - UIAGM Mountain guide

"Mountains make us better humans, in the mountains you can discover your better personality." I simply enjoy it – to be involved and discover.:)

Robert Vrlák - UIAGM Mountain Guide

Robert Vrlák - UIAGM Mountain guide

Climbing and ski mountaineering have been my hobbies for more than 30 years. My first steps were in the HDM James Bratislava club. When I was young, I travelled much across Europe, Scandinavia, Asia, North Africa and North America. I like activity on a rock, snow or ice. I developed activities in various areas from small rocks up to high mountains. The most famous include the High Tatras, Yosemite, The Alps, Dolomites, Caucasus, Albroz/Iran, Cordillera Blanca/Peru and others. Nowadays, I work as a UIAGM mountain guide.

Miroslav Černo - UIAGM Mountain Guide

Miroslav Černo - UIAGM Mountain guide

As many say, I have been in the mountains since birth. I was born in Banská Bystrica on February 15, 1975. My parents and I were visiting the mountains all year long, in summer as well as in winter. I could hardly walk and scarcely be noticed from the earth, but I already skied in the Turecká – Krížna, Donovaly and Šachtičky or Chopok resorts. Later I changed to ski mountaineering in steep couloirs, climbing in Kalamárka and surroundings of Banská Bystrica. Then it went everywhere, to where the wind blew and to where my friends took me – The Alps, Andes, our High Tatras. I like each kind of climbing, but winter mix climbing is my favourite. Mainly, it is a case of the north wall of Ďumbier peak with my friends. The nature and mountains gave me everything I have. Humility, respect, tolerance, friends. My natural progress was directed to become a mountain guide. If I succeed to mediate to others at least a bit of what I know, to see their happiness, then this makes sense.